Latest Developments

With rapid advancement in technology, adhesives have become an integral aspect of our daily lives. This presents abundant opportunities for the future of the adhesives industry and Luxking. Backed by our experienced R&D team and technical know-how, Luxking seizes every opportunity and continues pushing the frontiers to advance our adhesive technology and product applications. Over the years, Luxking has invented many industrial specialty tape (“IS tapes”) and built its foothold in serving diverse industries spanning the printing, packaging, automotive, electrical appliances and digital electronics sectors.


Some of our proprietary products for the digital electronic sectors include: Light shielding tapes, differs sheet tapes, reflector sheet tapes, cushioning tapes, backlight unit mounting tapes, etc. They are well received by our customers.


Luxking continues to explore new frontiers:

Introduce our first VHB series to the market.


Establish our first hot-melt production line and hot-melt series.


Successful Introduction of our waterproof PU foam tape series, which can achieve IPX-8 waterproof standard.


Successful Introduction of our electrical conductive adhesive tape series to the market.


Successful Introduction of our flame retardant adhesive tape series to the market.

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